Dream Interpretation 101

I love dreams.  Some are a bit odd.  Some quite revealing.  Often times both, and with that, they always seem to find their way in conversation.  Dreams tend to be one of those conversations up there with the weather.  (In some ways, literally.)  There’s a lag in the conversation, or you don’t know too well the person with whom you’re carrying on conversation.  Although, I wouldn’t suggest diving into last night’s dream on your elevator ride to work the next morning.  Weather might be the better option.  Even so, most of the time the dream conversation is safe and meanwhile fun.  Although for myself, I could talk about dreams with anyone.  Most often just the fun ones, but if you’re particularly safe, I’ll divulge a dream that carries an incredible amount of meaning.  Jordan has heard all of them; A few friends, a handful; Today, whoever ventures onto this post.  Because sometimes, dreams are too fun to hold too close, and for this one I’ve extracted a meaning that just seems to make sense.  So perhaps we can revert to ancient days of Biblical times where dreams were messages, and interpreting them was a career path.  Don’t worry, I’m not asking for tips… :)

I’m on a beach.  (This is a dream, remember, so at no point in December have I been on a beach, although it does sound nice.)  There is quite the party happening.  No food.  No drinks.  Though you knew everyone was having a phenomenal time simply with one another.  Pretty sure there were beach balls bouncing around, however, and the beach was just full of people.  The ocean was full of people.  Some I knew, some I didn’t.  Even so, I knew I was in good company, as opposed to it feeling like a beach full of strangers.   The beach had a gentle incline, but enough so that in my positioning at the top of the sandy hill I could look out and grasp the extent of people while watching the beautiful waves rolling into the shore.  There seemed to be a bit of a gap though.  The shoreline itself was vacant, as people didn’t start filling the salty space until about 20 feet out.  Suddenly there came one, maybe two, Orcas.  Yep, killer whales.  No one seemed to be panicking or running out of the water.  Rather they carried on with their fun, while I looked anxiously at this potentially dangerous scene.  My fear continued to elevate as the whales drew themselves into the shore, somehow swimming below the dangling feet of the ocean’s company and occupying the 20 vacant feet of shoreline.  In not too long, a few dolphins found themselves alongside these killer whalers.  Now we really have a problem, as I was pretty sure that Orcas feast on dolphins, so my fear rose.  Although in only a moment’s time, the dolphins were glazing the water’s surface in the most beautiful way, and in complete comfort.  Then, surprisingly enough, this large, seemingly dangerous Orca did the same.  He was leaping out of the water most beautifully, and as quickly as it came, my fear left as pure enjoyment of the Orca’s extravagance took over.  I quickly grabbed my camera and attempted to capture this unbelievable site, although it seemed my attempt at capturing the moment would be better spent by putting the camera down and simply soaking the beauty in as I was in it’s midst.  Then I woke up.

So are you curious?  Let me preface this by saying that I don’t give meaning to every dream that I have, but there are a couple of handfuls that I think have been worth paying attention to.  That said, here is my “dream interpretation”. 

The people represent, well, people.  From my husband, to family, to friends, to acquaintances, to those I have never met, but somehow we are still connected.  Perhaps there were those represented who have found themselves connected to our musical endeavors by coming to a show or hearing an album.  Together we were all celebrating by simply being together in this unknown, but common understanding.  The Orca, (as I only remember one standing out, but there may have been a couple), represents my fear.  Given this current adventure, I wouldn’t say that there is a fear that plagues me, although our sacrificing so much could very easily lend itself to fear.  Such anxiousness is more readily replaced with excitement and complete trust in God’s provision, although we have no guarantee of success, nor are we expectant of this journey to come without difficulties, stressors, and potential failures.   Though as you can imagine, even the acknowledgement of those elements, in spite of the eager excitement, can overwhelm someone with fear if one is not grounded and careful… if I’mnot careful.  Unless of course, the difference lies in how fear is being interpreted.  What if fear really doesn’t need to be worth fearing?  What if the killer whale is actually showing itself, in the very center of the celebration, amidst all those taking part in the party, as a potential for fear, but in actuality, as the opportunity to witness something truly incredible.  Suddenly what is to be feared becomes merely a perspective, and I find that there is so much more to be in awe of than to cower at.  Then there’s the camera.  The camera represent’s my desire to capture the moment.  Perhaps even desperately trying to grab the perfect photograph, but recognizing the view is lost if not taken in at the moment of it’s existence.  So put the camera down, Jennifer.  Stop trying to come out of this experience with a picture to glance at later.  Simply enjoy what is now, cast fear aside, gain the perspective of amazement, and celebrate its beauty with those you have found yourself in the company of.    

So welcome to my dreams!  Pretty sure you were there.

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