


          The starting place for my love of photography is actually hard for me to pin point.  Perhaps it started as a young kid, as made obvious by the dozens of photo albums that I studiously filled and still have hanging out in my garage.  I can still recall carefully sealing up the film from my Kodak camera and dropping it in Kmart’s photo section in the back of the store.  How anxious I was for pick up day!  Or maybe it was the great lengths I took to tell our wedding photographer exactly what I wanted him to take pictures of, which I am sure he was oh so thankful for, and realizing that we had hired someone whose style was more in the tradition of posed shots and less in the storytelling, a difference that I hadn’t otherwise even made note of.  Or perhaps it was when a gentlemen from our church heard that we were going to tour the country as a husband and wife acoustic duo and he lent me his Canon Rebel T3i – my first interaction with a DSLR camera.  Hundreds, if not thousands of photographs documented our days on the road and I found myself drawn to what moments I could capture and share with others. So there we were, in the basement of my mother-in-laws basement and I answered in part the question “What now?”by asking a few families to allow me to set up a photography session and see what the result would be.  They loved it.  I loved it. The end.

Okay well not exactly the end. Rather very much the beginning. After five years of very casually setting up sessions for friends and offering up a few holiday minis, I have decided to indulge this passion just a bit more.  A passion to capture the moments that pass us by, not because children grow up too quickly or so that we can look back on the good ‘ol days with more fondness than the present, but so we can remember that joy comes in the moment, when you stop long enough to focus on who is in front of you.  When you hold your children close enough to breathe them in.  When you embrace your husband long enough to feel the stillness and safety of his arms. When you gaze at your wife in awe of the strength that she has summoned.  Photographs may well illuminate the past, but may they help us remember that you have been given today.

– Jennifer