
“Life is too deep for words, so don’t try to describe it, just live it.” -C.S. Lewis

I admittedly love “describing” life in the sense that I am prone to both analyze and give prolonged thought to what it means to live, both as we have been created and how that seems at tension with the world around us.  Yet if ever there was a writer who knew so well how to eloquently depict and wrestle with life, it is C.S. Lewis.  Yet even he honors the depths that cannot be uncovered with mere description.  Parents give their very best to raising children up to the moment that they will no longer be only that.  We lay the foundation in how we teach and in how we model.  Yet there is no lesson that can be fully understand until experience has brought you there.  The more I write (another pastime of mine) the more desperately I search for the words that will bring depth to the surface, and the more I parent the more I hope that what I teach will save our children not only from a world of woes but a lifetime of joys.  Still, deep and life coincide too poignantly together and there are no words that can make them more clearly understood.  One must simply live.  

To those parents that are soon set to see their children fly, into a world full of more questions than answers and unknowns above assurances, let them embrace the depths of life.  No need to describe any longer what is or what might be.  Only now let them live, and celebrate such beauty.


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