How do you send them along when it feels they are only just beginning? Such is the beauty of parenthood. While they are with you for but a moment in comparison to that of a lifetime, you have been given the most privileged time of all. The time that will shape who they will become. The time that will permit every struggle to be either doused in perseverance or overwhelmed by bitterness. The time that will make way for every joy to be either accompanied by contentedness or threatened by desire. Surely they will need to learn on their own time, and the flesh has its way of speaking loudly regardless of influence, yet upright intentionality does not return void. For you have given your child a chance to have seen what life lived to the full truly could be, rather than having them aim only to cast their net to the opposite side of the boat. Indeed, you send them off when they are only just beginning. Though perhaps you have given them a head start.